I want a dog!
"Are you ready to have one?"
Please do NOT bring along with dogs
Believe lots of parents has been requested for having a pet at home from their child, we admire their compassion towards animals, but it's a lifelong commitment. This workshop aimed to let children to understand what they have to do when they really got a dog at home, its not about playing fetch only.
The workshop will teach the children on how to read dog's body language, how to approach dog safely and the common issues they may face when having a dog at home.
適合什麼人? Who is it for?
Children who love dogs
Family who planned to have dogs
Children who have dog for the first time
For child to understand the reality of having dogs at home
Interested in understanding dog behaviour
課程日期: 2022年10月15日 (星期六)
Date: 15 Oct, 2022 (Sat)
時間: 10:30-12:00 (英語)
Time: 10:30-12:00 (English)
地址: 鴨脷洲利榮街2號新海怡廣場10樓 - Whiskers N Paws
Address: 10/F Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau - Whiskers N Paws
費用: $550 / 家庭* (參加的孩子年齡必須介乎6-12歲)
Fee: $550 / Family* (Participating child must be 6-12 years old)
報名截止日期: 2022年10月9日
Application deadline: 9 Oct, 2022
A certificate will be given after completion of the workshop
4 participants only per a family
Please do NOT bring along your dogs
1. 參加家庭必須如實填妥資料於報名表內,收到確認電郵並付款後方為有效。
2. 每個家庭必須有最少一位18歲以上成年人陪同孩子,每個家庭最多4人上課。
3. 參加工作坊的孩子年齡必須是6-12歲,擁有基本語言溝通能力。
4. 名額有限,先到先得,以付款日為準,不設預留。
5. 請勿帶同狗隻上課。
6. 參加者於14天內沒外遊紀錄,亦沒有與冠狀病毒確疹者接觸。
7. 課堂內必須時刻帶上口罩。
8. 如有任何不適,請勿上課。
9. 如工作坊當日開課前2小時香港天文台發出紅色暴雨、三號熱帶氣旋或以上之警告信號,工作坊將作出順延安排。
11. 如有任何爭議,Dogniversity保留最終決定權。
Terms & Conditions:
1. Participants should fill out the form in the enrollment form, an email will be sent for payment confirmation.
2. Every family should have at least one 18 year-old or above adult accompanying the child in the workshop, a maximum of 4 people are accepted for each family.
3. Participating child should be between 6-12 year-old and has basic verbal communication skill.
4. Limited seats are available, based on first come first served upon payment date.
5. Please do not bring along with your dog.
6. If typhoon signal no 3 or above / a rainstorm red or black warning is issued 2 hours before workshop start time, the workshop will be cancelled and postponed.
7. Participants has not been travelling within 14 days prior to the workshop and do not have contact with any COVID-19 confirmed case.
8. Participants must wear a mask in the workshop.
9. Please do not come for the workshop if you are sick.
10. Refunds are provided only for class cancellations made by Dogniversity.
11. In the case of any disputes, Dogniversity reserves the right of final decision