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​Science found that children learn through experience, the satisfaction feeling from achieving a goal by themselves can increase their understanding and application in life. Positive reinforcement training in dogs and positive parenting are very alike, both sharing the same concept of encouraging good behaviour to increase motivation, aimed to have a force free learning environment. 


Through this workshop children will learn how to read dog's body language and how dog learns in order to enhance communication, we train dogs with science instead of force. Children will learn how to teach a dog to go to a specific spot, as well as stay and recall. 

課程日期: 2022年10月22日 (星期六)
Date: 22 Oct, 2022 (Sat)

時間: 10:30-12:00 (英語)
Time: 10:30-12:00 (English)

地址: 鴨脷洲利榮街2號新海怡廣場10樓 - Whiskers N Paws
Address: 10/F Horizon Plaza, 2 Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau - Whiskers N Paws

​費用: $650 / 家庭* (參加的孩子年齡必須介乎3-10歲)
Fee: $650 / Family* (Participating child must be 3-10 years old)

報名截止日期: 2022年10月16日 
Application deadline: 16 Oct, 2022 


A certificate will be given after completion of the workshop

4 participants only per family


Welcome to bring along your dog

適合什麼人? Who is it for?

  • 家中有3-10歲孩子和狗隻的家庭
        Family with child between 3-10 years old & dog
  • 狗隻容易被家中孩子嚇怕
        Dog who is easily scared by the family child
  • 希望孩子學習如何與狗隻相處的人
        Who want to teach a child how to interact with dog
  • 對狗隻正向訓練有興趣的人
​        Interest in positive reinforcement based dog training
  • 對解讀狗隻身體語言有興趣的家庭
        Interested in understanding dog body language 
  • 希望狗隻能在沒有壓力下學習的家庭
        Want the dog to live in force free training family
  • 注重狗隻心理健康的家庭
        High awareness in dog's psychological health​​


​3-10 year-old child & dog are welcome


Be a Little Trainer
​Should I train my kid or dog?


1. 參加家庭必須如實填妥資料於報名表內,收到確認電郵並付款後方為有效。

2. 所有狗隻必須年滿16星期或以上,已完成5合1防疫注射且健康狀況良好。

3. 不是所有狗隻都適合參加小組課程,我們有權拒絕不適合的參加者。

4. 每個家庭必須有最少一位18歲以上成年人陪同孩子,每個家庭最多4位家人陪同狗隻上課。

5. 參加工作坊的孩子年齡必須是3-10歲,擁有基本語言溝通能力。

6. 名額有限,先到先得,以付款日為準,不設預留。

7. 參加者於14天內沒外遊紀錄,亦沒有與冠狀病毒確疹者接觸。

8. 課堂內必須時刻帶上口罩。

9. 如有任何不適,請勿上課。

10. 如工作坊當日開課前2小時香港天文台發出紅色暴雨、三號熱帶氣旋或以上之警告信號,工作坊將作出順延安排。

11. 課堂以小組形式授課,個別狗隻可能會出現激動、甚至危險的行為,為了保障其他學員的安全與權益, 閣下有責任於報名表格內詳細列明狗隻的行為問題,Dogniversity有權拒絕個別狗隻參與課程。如狗隻的行為問題於工作坊中出現,導師或會按實際需要,建議相關家庭暫時帶狗隻離開課室。 其他家入可繼續出席工作坊,以學習技巧並回家進行練習。


13. 閣下明白參與工作坊將存在一定風險。閣下同意會就閣下之狗隻對他人或其他動物所造成的任何傷害承擔一切責任及賠償,並不會就閣下、閣下之狗隻或親友在課程期間所受到的任何傷害向主辦機構及導師作出任何形式之追究。

14. 如有任何爭議,Dogniversity保留最終決定權。

Terms & Conditions:
1. Participants should fill out the form in the enrollment form, an email will be sent for payment confirmation. 
2. Dogs has to be aged 16 weeks or above and full vaccinated (5in1 vaccination).
3. Not all dogs are suitable for group class, we may refuse not qualified dogs to join the workshop.
4. Every family should have at least one 18 year-old or above adult accompanying the child in the workshop, a maximum of 4 people are accepted for each family. 
5. Participating child should be between 3-10 year-old and has basic verbal communication skill.
6. Limited seats are available, based on first come first served upon payment date. 
7. If typhoon signal no 3 or above / a rainstorm red or black warning is issued 2 hours before workshop start time, the workshop will be cancelled and postponed.
8. Participants has not been travelling within 14 days prior to the workshop and do not have contact with any COVID-19 confirmed case.

9. Participants must wear a mask in the workshop.
10. Please do not come for the workshop if you are sick.

11. In order to protect all participants in class, we reserves the right to refuse any dog who present behaviour issue that may disruptive, or that may be exacerbated by participation in a group class. It is the owner’s responsibility to notify Dogniversity their dog’s behaviour issues in the application form. If any behaviour issues are discovered during the workshop and the trainer determines that it is in everyone's best interest that you seek private consultation, you will be recommended to bring your dog away from the classroom, while the other family members welcome to keep attending in the classroom to learn. 
12. Refunds are provided only for class cancellations made by Dogniversity.
13. You understand that attendance of the course is not without risk to yourself, members of your family or guests who may attend, or to your dog. You hereby agree to indemnify and hold Dogniversity and the trainers free from any and all liability or claims by any member of your family or any other person accompanying you to any training session or function of Dogniversity as a result of any action by any dog, including your own.
14. In the case of any disputes, Dogniversity reserves the right of final decision.

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